Monday, February 8, 2010

Benchwork Update: Lower Level Kinda There

Well I cleaned up the cut track bed, and began to make the risers that will hold the track bed up....


I'm somewhat worried I might have to redo parts of this as it's not super amazing. Then again, it will be covered over with scenery and it might not matter.

The main problem that I'm facing is that when I cut the track bed, I left a reasonable shoulder on either side of the track. And, well, as it turns out, this only leaves about 1.75" for the scenery between the lower "town" track and the forward rising track. Considering that to represent a cliff on either side would take about an inch each, it's sorta leaving a problem there. Basically, with the width of the rails, plus the width of the crossties, plus the shoulder that I cut for the wooden track bed, there is a *lot* of space being taken up that I hadn't planned for.


The good news: The wood was cheap and I haven't layed down any track yet. This might have been just a $12 mistake. Let's hope so.

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