Monday, January 25, 2010

LNI -- Initial thoughts

I've been putting together some plans for a very small micro-layout as a little side project, since I have neither the space, tools, or budget for a full on 7/8n2 layout.

What's been decided so far:
  • 9mm gauge
  • For scale, it will most likely be HO (1:87), though I'm toying with N, 1:150 or 1:160 (That DEKI-3 is just way too cool, but then again so is the Egger-Bahn railcar)
  • I'm leaning towards a Southwestern US layout, which would make it HOn30, though I may end up going European, HOe.
  • I'm about 85% sure I'm going to hand lay the track and turnouts (oh what am I getting myself into?) I've read code 70 is a better pick for first-timers, but code 55 would be easier to file I'm thinking.
  • Being small and compact, I'll most likely end up doing freight, though I haven't yet decided on an industry or motive power yet. Roco makes somes really cool little mining tubs that I may go with if I can find a decent price.
Here's my rough sketch of the layout, sans height indications...

35" x 23", 7.5" radius curves (and some crazy 6" curves on the inner turnouts, that may be really pushing it).
Lani's Railroad

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