Sunday, June 27, 2010

2ft. Narrow Gauges

Well I'm in an apartment now, so Model RR activities will be limited, but I'm already started on planning a small (and by small I mean around 20" x 20") continuous running, up-and-over small diorama-ish layout. It seems that my fascination with narrow gauge, particularly with 2ft. gauge is leaving me in a state where most of the things I like are not commercially available, except in Japan.

Just for kicks I decided to do some "investigatory math" to determine given the sizes of commercially available track, what scale would it be to use them to model 2 ft. gauge trains.

Commercial Track Equivalent 2ft Gauge Scale

Hmmm... Anyone up for 94n2?

On a bit more serious note, 68n2 may be a reasonable proposition. It will make use of N-gauge track (9mm), be slightly larger than HO scale and smaller than O scale. For comparison, a figure of a person 6ft tall would be...

HO (1/87): 2.1" tall
1/68: 2.7" tall
O (1/48): 3.8" tall

It'd be possible to use N scale loco mechanisms and is fairly close to the 1/72 scale that plastic models sometimes come in (the smaller the scale the less a difference makes 1/68 vs. 1/72 for a 6 ft. figure the difference is only 1/8 of an inch).